This recipe is an original to The Usual Saucepans, but the mousse method is loosely based on a Nigella recipe from Kitchen. I didn’t have proper egg moulds, so adapted some from the plastic packaging one of my other eggs came in, lined with cling film The chilli in the crème de cacao was also infused by hand by my friend Mel. This recipe makes two half eggs (and a little mousse left over – my eggs are quite small (about 10cm tip to base), so if you’re making bigger ones, up the chocolate and marshmallow volumes. I used dark chocolate (75%), but you could use milk if you prefer – prepare for it to be quite sweet though.
for the egg:
80g dark chocolate
for the mousse:
100g dark chocolate
20g butter
60g mini marshmallows
115 ml double cream
25 ml crème de cacao
1 milky bar (to decorate)
Start the egg earlier in the day – as it needs multiple layers. Melt the chocolate and put a spoonful into the base of your mould. Using a pastry brush, paint the inside of your mould, ensuring it is entirely covered. If your chocolate isn’t sticking to the sides because it’s too runny, leave it to sit a minute or two and it’ll start to set again. Leave to one side to cool and set (about 30 minutes) then repeat the process. I did two layers, but a large shell will require at least three.
To make the mousse, put a pan of water on the hob with a glass bowl over the top (make sure the water isn’t touching). Whilst the water and bowl are heating up use a very sharp knife to chop the chocolate finely (it speeds everything up). Put the butter in the bowl and when it starts to melt add in your chopped chocolate and mini marshmallows (if you only have larger mallows put them in first, as they’ll need longer to melt). Leave these all to melt, stirring occasionally.
Whilst the chocolate mix is melting, pour the cream and crème de cacao into a bowl and start to whisk them together, pausing every so often to stir the chocolate/mallow mix. Whip into stiff peaks.
When the chocolate and marshmallows are fully melted, remove the bowl from the pan and turn off the heat. Leave to cool for 1-2 minutes, then gently fold the cream into gloomy chocolate mix. Pour into a bowl and put in the fridge to set.
Go back to your egg shells and check they are ready – if it has a slight rim, heat up the tip of the blade of a metal knife on the hob and use the hot metal to melt/cut the edges.
After the mouse has been in the fridge about 5-8 minutes take it out and fill your egg shells – it needs to be cool enough to melt the chocolate, but also still not that set, so it can pour. Fill the shells right up and then put everything in the fridge to set.
About ten minutes before serving, decorate the eggs. I opted for white chocolate stripes. I didn’t want much messing about with piping bags, to I put the milky bar (in its wrapper) into a cup of boiling water to melt, then cut off one corner and piped it straight from there.
Serve to ‘whoos’ of general amazement from your impressed ensemble.
- Category: Sweet treats