Are you the sort of person described as incurably curious? Or perhaps have sat in an airport departure lounge wondering who the people around you were and where they were going? I am. And I have.
Like many people I love stories. How people got where they are, what motivates them and (of course, most importantly) what they like to eat. This is where Five Thoughts From… comes from. It’s a way to find out something about the people we see online - the bloggers, producers and writers.
Today we’re talking to a blogger who’s work always looks delicious - Kirsty Watson from A Dash of Ginger. I met her at an event late last year and ever since have been enjoying her work - especially the amazing photography. But less rambling from me, here are her thoughts:
1. What got you in to food blogging?
I’ve been reading food blogs for years and they’ve always been my go-to for inspiration. As I began experimenting with cooking and baking a bit more it seemed like a logical step to start my own. It’s also provided a great creative outlet for me - my day job is very mathematical and analytical so the photography and writing is something totally different to get stuck into!
2. The photography on A Dash of Ginger is really well styled and shot - what’s your secret?
Thank you! I don’t think I have a secret, other than lots of experimentation and practice! I think food photography is something that’s really hard to get right and I’m still constantly learning. I think getting the right lighting is the most important (but often hardest!) aspect so that’s what I always focus on first. The Tasty Food Photography ebook by Lindsay of Pinch of Yum is a great resource for food photography - I often dip in and out of it if I’m struggling to get some good shots.
It has to be the homemade crepes - purely because they turned out so much better than I expected. I have fond memories of visiting creperies on childhood holidays in France so discovering how easy they are to whip up has made me very happy!
4. What’s your food obsession or that ingredient that you just can’t help but use?
Garlic, every time! It’s really versatile and works with loads of different cuisines (which is just as well since I add it to just about everything I cook!) Whole roasted garlic bulbs has been my current obsession since I made roasted garlic butter a couple of weeks ago - it’s surprisingly sweet and mellow.
5. Finally, if you had to pick one person (alive, dead, fictional) to cook for who would it be and what would you make them?
Definitely Louis Theroux - I’m a massive fan of documentaries in general, and especially love how he’s able to get people to really open up about all sorts of things. I imagine he’d have tons of fascinating stories to tell and really interesting ideas. As for what to cook, I’d stick to my fail-safe dinner party dish of venison, sweet potato gnocchi & red wine balsamic jus and Toblerone salted caramel cheesecake for dessert!
As a cheeky aside (I guess it’s a sixth thought) do you have a food blogger that you’d love to recommend to everyone?
I love the recipes and photography by Frances at The Spoon and Whisk. There are some seriously good looking cakes on her blog!
If you want more from A Dash of Ginger you can find her blog here, or follower her on Twitter or Instagram. Who would you like to hear thoughts from? Drop me an email and suggest them!