I’ve always found that ‘inquisitive’ and ‘curious’ are much kinder words than ‘nosy’, but I’ve called all three and not entirely without justification. I love finding out about what’s going on around me, whether it’s about people, products or objects there is almost invariably a story. These stories often make it on to The Usual Saucepans, it’s a way of telling stories in many ways, and so it seemed like a good time to find out about some of the other people who are involved with food, drink and blogging.

And this is where Five Thoughts From… has come from - it’s an excuse for the incurably curious (and like minded nosy people) to find out a little about a particular person from our community. If you have an idea of who we should feature next, drop me an email and I’ll see what I can do.

The first instalment here is none other than Fanny. Yes, Fanny Craddock. Well, not quite. But in this case it’s XXX (no - I’m giving the game away), the creative and hilarious mind behind the hugely popular (and rightfully so) Keep Calm and Fanny On.

For those of you who have never encountered Fanny, you’re in for a treat! I caught up with XXX to get Five Thoughts From… Fanny

1. Why Fanny? What made you decide to cook through her guides and start writing about it?

I just love Fanny Cradock, I love her silliness and unique style, I love how ridiculous some of her ideas are, but really I was just interested in reviving her recipes. If you search around the internet, she is mostly forgotten. She was such a pioneer, an icon and an inspiration, but people only remember the grotesque stuff. That’s fun too though! I also selfishly thought it would be sooooooo much fun to do as a kind of homage to ‘Julie and Julia’. I found a set of the partwork programme in a second hand bookshop in Stockbridge (thanks to whoever donated it!) which I read and read, laughed and laughed, every night for about a year before I started blogging. I’d always fancied doing it, but just didn’t know how to start or if I could do it… One day I was really fed up at work and just thought I’d give it a go and learn as I went along!

2. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learnt through blogging?

I think I am still learning all the time - but for me the most important thing is that I have fun, and don’t do anything that takes me away from that. It’s not my job, it’s something I choose to do, and choose to have as much fun as I possibly can along the way, so I work hard to stick to that goal and not get side-tracked by including things in the blog that aren’t Fanny-related, or fun. I’ve learnt a lot about photography - composition and lighting especially - and learnt to develop my own style of retro 1970’s fabulousness rather than follow current trends in styling. I’ve also learnt that the things that I think will be popular often aren’t - I’ve learnt not to try and guess and play up to what I think readers want to see, and just enjoy it and hope that someone else does too!

3. Do you have a favourite recipe that you’ve made?

Luckily there are so many fun recipes that Fanny makes… I am working my way through them in order (minus the meat), so it’s pot luck what comes up next. I’ve loved the Baked Alaska Bunny, the Banana Candles, and more recently the Angry Chinese Men. They are all a little bizarre… Fanny was also a great cook - so many of her recipes are great to learn techniques too - honestly! Her soufflés are legendary! She was a huge fan of the omelette too - me too, just not all the sweet ones she makes! Fanny loved and hated Christmas all at the same time, so I always enjoy cooking her Christmas creations. She uses way too much (perfectly harmless) food colouring in her dishes, so sometimes things look a little strange, but I love it!

4. TUS is a big fan of cooking in season - what’s your favourite ingredient of the summer months?

I love cherries and broad beans in summertime! Fanny was a huge fan of cooking seasonally too - she even produced a handy wall hanging that came free with the Daily Telegraph to remind you when fruits and vegetables were in season! She couldn’t bear food waste or flying in produce from exotic climates, and I’ve tried to incorporate that ethos in the blog too - I love using local, seasonal, Scottish products that I find to give Fanny a modern twist!

5. If you could choose one person (dead, alive or fictional) to try something you’ve made who would it be and why?

It’s probably a bit obvious of me to say Fanny Cradock herself, although I would be totally terrified to cook for her. I would love to know what she thought of me reviving her recipes and her in general through the blog - she wouldn’t hold back or be polite if she wasn’t pleased though. The end of her TV career was as judge on a TV show where she tore strips of the winning cook, and the public didn’t agree with her. I guess she was the original food blogger though - just making, writing up and photographing her ideas in publications and on TV instead of online. She’d have a YouTube Channel now, or have daily pop-ups on Periscope, but I love the standard blogging format!

If you want to find out more about Keep Calm and Fanny On you can read the blog or follow Fanny on Twitter. If you want to suggest someone you would like to see in Five Thoughts From… then drop me an email and let me know.

Craig Craig (257 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.