With a woosh! and a Chomp! it would seem that June has found its way into the history books. It’s been a pretty busy month – once again – but one in which there has been a lot of tasty food on the go. It’s also seen The Usual Saucepans host its first ever blogging challenge – you can find the Baking with Spirit round up here, along with next month’s details – I’ve created another blog, which will be talking about all things Edinburgh, EdinburghEditor.com, and (just a little detail) but I – in my 9-5 life – have a new job (well, I’ve known for a while, but couldn’t say, but I start early August)! Exciting times all round, and as though all that wasn’t enough I have spent a number of days speeding back and forth to Glasgow to do the final bits of training in advance of volunteering at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.
So much about me though, here’s where we talk about some food.
I’ve actually struggled quite a lot with my recipe of the month this month, but in the end I think I will have to pick my G&T Jelly. It was a slightly ridiculous idea conceived whilst in a (clearly super-interesting) meeting, which saw my make G&T jelly and set it in the shape of ice cubes. As you do.
Special mention though must go to the two runner-up recipes: my Chicken and Chorizo Jambalaya and my beer bread - although it was technically published in July.
Finally, as mentioned earlier in the post, I’m thinking all things Commonwealth Games & Glasgow 2014 at the moment, so if there’s a bit of an interruption in blogging over the next month or so then it’s probably because I was at Celtic Park until one in the morning or something like that – in the mean time, here’s a little sneak peak of when I saw the Queen’s Baton Relay coming through Edinburgh a few weeks ago and what the inside of Hampden Park looks like these days with its new raised centre so it can host the athletics and closing ceremony (8 rows of seats had to be removed to build it up!)
Have a fantastic July and I’ll see you all on the other side (and from a new desk).
July 3, 2014
Congrats on the new job! Sounds like August will be quite busy for you.
July 6, 2014
Thanks! I’m really excited about it all - not quite sure when I get to sleep in the next 6 weeks though…