Once upon a time, in a May not so long ago a hungry guy decided that it was high time to share lots of (often pointless) photos with the world and to put a slightly retro filter on them, so that way they would be cool. As it so happened, he also had a bit of an addiction to Instagram, so now he could share his random supermarket finds with everyone he knew and the debate could rage over whether you can get Um bongo in the Congo.

May has disappeared in a blur, but for the first time in many, many months that blur was somewhat warm and sunny. Yes, the sun has been out and I’ve been attempting to make the most of it - you never know when summer will round these parts, but next Tuesday would seem about right.

It’s been a pretty good month for all things food at The Usual Saucepans, with lots of recipes vying for the accolade of recipe of the month but despite the homemade ice cream served in a cookie, the limoncello and a summery lamb stew there is only one thing that will take top place: I finally made bread. Sure it was a simple recipe, but it was the final step for me to ditch the cowardice and combat yeast. Oh and it was a success!20130520-112655.jpg

In other sunny news, this month’s foodie fun from outside the kitchen screams summer from the rooftops: I had my first Pimm’s of the season. A sunny Friday afternoon, an outside beer garden and a pitcher of Pimm’s - is there a better way of celebrating summer?

Finally I tried something new this month which I’m definitely going to repeat soon. I decided to make ice lollies. They’re not at all complicated, but for some reason they had completely passed me by before. I also made mine a boozey limoncello flavour, which just added to the awesomeness. Perhaps Pimm’s might be the recipe to try next!

Fingers crossed that June will stay beautifully sunny and more adventures can be had. If you can’t wait until then the Instagram feed is just to the right of this post (by the bread photo), or you can follow me on Twitter, where they are usually shared. I hope the sun is shining where you are.

Craig Craig (247 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.