I’m a massive fan of ‘One Pot’ dinners. There’s something immensely satisfying about knowing you can get delicious food with absolutely minimal washing up.

OK, so I’m being totally lazy and the lack of washing up was not my sole reason for making it. I actually made this because I spotted the original recipe on Huff Post UK’s Twitter feed and became instantly hungry - I feel that’s a pretty good sign that you need to give it a try.

I’m not sure why it is, but recently I’ve been having a lot of healthy cravings (perhaps down to doing a bit more exercise, maybe I’m just growing up - perish the thought). I was pretty well fantasising about broccoli dishes after I spotted this one. It’s really weird and I’m not sure I like this new ‘healthy-grown-up-Craig’.

Whether I’m growing up or just being healthy is probably quite debatable, but life has been pretty hectic of late. Don’t feel too sorry for me, whilst much of it is related to work and my new side project (more on both to follow shortly), I’ve also spent a fair bit of time in the pub and generally avoiding sitting at my laptop because it’s really sunny (not having any sort of MS Office-like software also means I’m tied to a wifi connection and kills the idea of working outside, as well as very much being a #FirstWorldProblem).

In many ways this makes this recipe pretty apt. It doesn’t require much time, energy or brainpower, but is also pretty healthy, tasty and good for a summery evening. Not standing over the hob also frees up time to try tackle my ever-growing ‘To Do’ list, meaning that after dinner there’s time for important summer tasks, like… uhm … taking an evening stroll to the ice cream shop in Morningside. Perhaps I’m not going healthy-mad or growing up after all…

Chicken & Broccoli One Pot

This recipe was based on one found on Huffington Post UK, and was tweaked a little bit (as always) based on the contents of my cupboards. It is technically enough to feed four, but if you’re hungry I would putting in some more broccoli or serve with crusty bread.


1 pack of chicken legs and thighs (mine had four thighs and six legs)
1 head of broccoli
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
4 large tomatoes
1 small bunch of coriander
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cumin
salt and pepper
300ml water
1/2 a lemon


If you have time, make a marinade out of the spices, coriander and lemon, put the chicken into it and leave to marinate for at least half an hour.

Preheat your oven to 160ºC.

Using a sharp knife, slice the onions into rings (or if you’re not feeling like it, half it and then slice into crescent moons), dice the garlic and slice the tomatoes as thinly as you can. Chop your broccoli into florets.

Layer the dish up in a large, oven-proof pot in the following order: onion & garlic, two-thirds of the coriander, tomatoes, seasoning, chicken (and spices, if you haven’t marinated it), broccoli. Top with the remaining coriander and a little more salt and pepper. I also put the stalk of my broccoli in the top to get it to impart a bit more flavour into the dish.

Pour the water in over the top, put the lid on and place it in the centre of the oven. Cook for about an hour, then serve.

Craig Craig (247 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.