Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat. Well, it’s either a goose of the ghost of my Christmas yet to come.

So it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. There are tress in the park and I imagine somewhere there’s a place called The Grand Hotel that has one too. But if you’re reading The Usual Saucepans I’d say there’s a pretty good chance that you’re getting excited about all the delicious food that Christmas presents us with the excuse to eat*.
Skiing Christmas PenguinHere at TUS HQ Christmas is a glorious time for food. It’s the season for letting the belt out a notch (or two) and ensuring the kitchen is stocked with ‘Hangover Tea’ (the Whittards stuff I have is a life saver), which is why over the next few weeks there will be Christmas munchies galore and one or two things to quaff along the way. If you want to keep really up to date with all the festive cooking, then follow The Usual Saucepans on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, there will be photos and puns galore. Promise.
The Christmas tab at the top of the page will take you quickly and easily to all of the latest offerings for the festive feast, but to get us started here are a couple of last year’s treats.
And for good measure here’s a photo of a Christmas Cake.Gingerbread Men and Candy Cane Christmas Cake
*According to health people - if you care to listen to them - Christmas is not an excuse to eat excessively, but heeding their advice is at your own perogative. Oh, and yes, the homophonic pun is entirely intentional
Craig Craig (206 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.