Today’s blog post was going to be really exciting. It was going to be fresh, seasonal, tasty and boozy. The photos looked great, it came out of the tin smoothly, everything was great. Clearly there’s a but.

It would be perfect aside for the fact that I - for want of a better expression - ballsed it up. Big time. Because a fruit tart is not meant to be liquid in the middle. I may not know everything in the culinary world, but I do know that a tart’s centre (all innuendo aside) is fine to wobble a little, but when you cut a slice the fruit should not flow out of the casing.

Failed Fruit Tart

Why am I even bothering to share this? Two reasons: 1 as much as I love looking at all the big food blogger’s beautifully photographed blogs and Instagram feeds out there I am happy to admit that I am far from perfect. Much as it pains my fragile, over-inflated ego to admit it. Secondly, and selfishly, I just like the photos and didn’t want to just delete them.

Failures should never just be cried over though - I’ve learnt a valuable life lesson: it turns out there is such a thing as too much Pimm’s. Or maybe that a combination of cream cheese and lemon curd can barely hold itself together, let alone work with more liquid. Next time I’ll just drink half the Pimm’s - that’s a life lesson I can live by.

If you’re looking for a fruit tart recipe that does work, here’s Nigella’s because clearly it’s better.

Failed Fruit Tart

Craig Craig (206 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.