To me sausages are a bit of a strange commodity. They tend to be at either one end of the scale or the other - cheap nasty brand/supermarket …
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Some things in life probably shouldn’t be fiddled with. There are many, many people that would include Macaronni Cheese - a.k.a. Mac ‘n’ Cheese - in this category; …
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So it’s a Friday evening. You’ve got to sort out dinner, there are other things that seem a higher priority (it’s a lie - you’re just feeling a little lazy, so flopping on the sofa seems of paramount importance). But on the flip side you’ve been at work all day and you just want something delicious to munch.
I’m a massive fan of ‘One Pot’ dinners. There’s something immensely satisfying about knowing you can get delicious food with absolutely minimal washing up. Read More
Mince! It’s one of those books I’ve gathered up over the years (a gift from my mum during my student days, I think), but these days it tends to languish on a shelf. Gathering dust, rather than the splatters a much-loved cookbook does. Read More
I’m going to come out and say it - I love burgers. Read More