Where do you stand on the whole ‘growing up’ thing? I - as regular readers will know - am firmly against it, apart from situations where it’s strictly necessary.
There’s something about the way a kid sees the world that is fascinating. The excitement of a little puppy, the inquisitiveness that leads them to put their fingers in plug sockets, the seemingly sourceless and never-ending giggling - but that’s enough about my weekend; what I’m trying to say is that being a grown up is often times over rated.
But there are those rare moments where you can combine child-like joy and something a little more grown up.
Let’s talk Easter, chocolate, mini eggs and alcohol.
I recently had a conversation with a group of people and was aghast that they seemed to almost unanimously agree that chocolate Easter nests were pretty much just the domain of children. In short, they seemed to think that it was a bit childish, not something that grownups would want to eat. I think we can all agree that this is not true - let me introduce you to my Rum and Ginger Dark Chocolate Easter Nests.
Now, who said pretending to be a kid again didn’t give them a buzz? Clearly they’ve never tried to stick their fingers in a plug socket before…
Rum and Ginger Dark Chocolate Easter Nests
This recipe is pretty much your standard recipe for Easter nests that you will find across the internet, except I’ve changed more than half of the ingredients and had to think of a way to help them set with a little excess liquid in them (a.k.a. rum). They are absolutely dead easy to make, and you’ll get about 12 of them. Probably not the best version of Easter nests to make with kids, I’ve also never claimed that they’re healthy, despite all the fibre in that Shredded Wheat…
4 Shredded Wheat (this is not the BBC - I’ve never come across an alternative)
200g dark chocolate
50g milk chocolate
50ml rum (white or dark, but dark’s better)
3cm fresh ginger
75g marshmallows
1 Milkybar (or similar)
1 tbsp milk
24 or 36 Mini Eggs to decorate
Get a small pan of water on the hob on a fairly high heat, place a large heatproof bowl on top. Into those break your dark and milk chocolate (or if you’re like me, use chocolate drops because it avoids a lot of the messing about) into the bowl and pour half of your marshmallows on top. Leave to melt, stirring occasionally.
Whilst the chocolate is melting, crush the Shredded Wheat into tiny little pieces. It’s strangely satisfying. And lay out 12 bun cases (the little silicon ones are amazing).
Once the chocolate and marshmallows are almost melted add in your milk (it will help make everything glossy) and your run. Remove the bowl from the heat, turn the pan off and drop the Milkybar into the pan so it will melt in its wrapper. Carefully mix this through the chocolate mixture, then fold in the remaining marshmallows. Those marshmallows that melt will help the nests set, those that don’t will give you an extra hidden surprise when you bit into the nests.
Once the chocolate mix is fully combined, pour in your Shredded Wheat and stir furiously, until not a bit of fibrous cereal is left uncoated. Then stir a little more to be sure. Using two teaspoons, dived the mixture evenly between your bun cases, ensuring that there is a little hollow in the centre of each.
Now you have 12 nests, decorate each with two or three mini eggs. Carefully remove your Milkybar from the pan and snip off a corner. Use the wrapper like a mini piping bag and haphazardly add the finishing touches to your Easter treats.
Since I’m really enjoying these little treats I’m going to enter them into a couple of challenges. Firstly I’m hoping Dom isn’t to strict on what kind of ‘Egg’ has to be used in Simple Eggcellent - I’m hoping Mini Eggs count (I don’t think the rules specify chicken’s eggs - Mini Eggs are free-range, right? Ahem…). Secondly it’s been a while since I’ve entered Choclette’s We Should Cocoa, this month’s theme is Easter, so I think these qualify nicely. Finally, I read the Tea Time Treats round ups most months but have never quite entered - time to rectify that, I would say - it’s run by Karin and Janie - if you want to check them out.
April 2, 2015
Clever how you got the nests to set with the added rum! I enjoy Easter nests every now and then, but your adult version sounds much better.
April 3, 2015
Melted marshmallows - that’s the key to getting it set! Sets a whole manner of sins… Me to - ordinary ones are nice enough, but these ones, well…
April 3, 2015
I sit here reading this having just made some rice crispy cakes with baileys thinking exactly the same thing and making sure no kids eat them… to be honest who really cares, adult or kids its all good food! These look so pretty and so eggcellent. Thanks for the link-up!
April 3, 2015
Well, I hear that it’s frowned upon to get children drunk. Or something like that. Bailey’s crispy cakes sound delicious! Who needs a glass of milk when you can include something better??? Thanks for letting my free-range mini eggs count!
April 29, 2015
Woohoo Craig, these have got to be the best sounding Easter Nests ever. Glad you managed to join in this month and thanks for doing so
April 29, 2015
Thanks! Glad to finally make it along, although the pleasure was all mine (literally, I think they ate them all!)
April 29, 2015
I think I need to take some of these into the research office but not tell anyone there is rum in there
April 29, 2015
Haha, indeed! Although if they are anything like mine it’ll be pretty obviously quite quickly… Enjoy and let me know how you get on!