Bacon and avocado toast

You know those days when you’re at home and you need some brunch in your life? Mostly it’s at the weekends, but occasionally it’s a cheeky Monday off. It’s glorious. Brunch is one of those things that is just irresistible, and so too is this bacon and avocado toast. It’s got everything you need in brunch - a bit of avocado, some toast, and bacon-y goodness.

I was flicking through one of my favourite cookbooks recently - Nigel Slater’s wonderful The Kitchen Diaries (if you don’t have a copy, do yourself a favour and buy yourself a present, you can get it on amazon) - and I came across a paragraph about some little avocados he got in his ‘organic bag’. It’s just a throwaway comment really, but perfectly sums up the fact that this bacon and avocado toast is really simple but looks quite impressive. “We eat the salad with thin slices of dark rye bread I found in the back of the cupboard and everyone thinks I am a genius.”

Now, I’m not sure who would really class this as a salad, aside from the most generous of describers, but then again, who am I to question such things? And we’re meant to eat salads because they’re healthy and such like, right? So maybe we can be a bit liberal and call it a salad after all. I won’t lie, I’m just looking for an excuse to make this again.

This couldn’t have turned out better; it was just that bit indulgent and utterly delicious. It’s also something quite en vogue since we (as a nation) are going through a bit of an avocado and brunch phase - this recipe is how you can get some of this brunching goodness in your life this weekend.

You could go further and make a full-blown guacamole to spread on your toast first, but I almost prefer the simple flavour combination of bacon, avocado and the balsamic vinegar I drizzled over it. It’s freshness, saltiness and a sweet tanginess. Could you ask for more?

As you might expect from the combination of avocado and bacon it’s mouth-wateringly delicious. It’s perfect for when you need a foodie fix but the idea of properly cooking is just not something you want to consider. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your next brunch fix, then this my friend is where you should head.


Bacon and avocado toast

  • Author: Craig
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: Serves 1 1x


This recipe comes from a comment made in Nigel Slater’s The Kitchen Diaries. It’s not a full recipe in the book, so I’ve expanded it a little here, adding in some cracked black pepper and balsamic vinegar. It feeds one, and if you’re hungry and double the recipe it will probably still feed one.



  • 2 slices of bacon
  • half a ripe avocado
  • 1 thick slice of fresh crusty bread
  • black pepper
  • balsamic vinegar


Cut the fat off your bacon and put it under the grill on a reasonably high heat. Whilst the bacon is cooking, cut a thick slice from your bread (mine was a good 4cm) and lay it on a plate.

Peel your avocado (you’re probably just going to eat the second half anyway) and cut a wedge out. Using the gap left by the wedge, take a sharp knife and cut fairly thin (a few millimetres thick) slices, layering them along the bread as they come off the fruit. It’ll use about half the avocado. Take a fork and mush the avocado into the bread a little, then top with a little bit of crushed black pepper (don’t add salt – your bacon will take care of that).

Toast your bread.

When you’re bacon’s cooked remove it from the grill and cut into thin slices, layering them along the avocado first one way, then the other. Take your balsamic vinegar and drizzle it over the top, letting it drip off the bacon, through the avocado and into the bread.

Sit back, open wide and take a bite – then just munch and enjoy. Bliss.

  • Category: Lunch

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