Chocolate mousse is one of those desserts that is just irresistible, in my humble opinion. It just tastes so good!

I love a cheeky shortcut in recipes, for times that I just can’t spend hours in the kitchen, no matter how much I wish to. This chocolate mousse recipe is definitely one of these. By using marshmallows you avoid the need to find a setting agent,

So long as you get it right, this recipe should set in the fridge in about an hour - then you’re free to guzzle away. It’s got lots of mango in it, so it’s one of your five-a-day, right?Chocolate and Mango Mousse setting in the fridge

Mango and Chocolate Mousse


1 medium-sized mango
300ml double cream
250g decent dark chocolate
150g mini marshmallows
50g butter
A splash of vanilla extract


In a pyrex bowl above hot water (or in a pan, if you prefer) melt the butter. Then add the chocolate and wait for it to melt.

Add the marshmallows and a little splash of the cream. Allow it all to melt (stirring occasionally) then take off the heat.

chop two-thirds of the mango and then pulp it down a bit (I used a potato masher, much to other people’s entertainment).

Add the mango to the cream and the vanilla then whip until thick. Fold into the cooling chocolate mix. Pour into whatever you want to serve it in and pop it into the fridge for at least an hour.

Serve with sliced mango and cream on top (if desired).Chocolate mousse - The Usual Saucepans

Craig Craig (247 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.