So, it appears it’s now June. Anyone know what I actually did in May? It doesn’t seem all that long ago that I was doing a round-up of April, but alas it is now time for May’s instalment. Guess time flies when you’re having fun, and all that. The Usual Saucepans has been a little quiet in May, but those who follow me on Instagram and Twitter will probably be able to tell that it’s because I’ve spent much of it rushing about, rather than relaxing in the kitchen - or more to the point, writing about the culinary adventures.
Without further ado let’s jump straight in at the deep end and talk about my Recipe of the Month, which this month features my new favourite burger - a venison burger, served with sun-dried tomato chutney, mixed leaves and brie. I don’t really know what else to say about this, apart from the fact that it’s utterly delicious and that you should really try it.
From here we’re going to leave the foodie adventures and talk a little about what else has been going on. Working in the centre of Edinburgh I don’t always see the little intricacies and anomalies that make this such a fun city - those are often in the Old Town or further hidden, the New Town (where I am) is very regimented in its layout and is lacking some of the character we’re famous for (although, it’s definitely a case of #EdinburghProblems, since our ‘dull’ is more exciting than many places I’ve been). Before I digress further, I found this little gem one lunchtime as I was strolling through an alleyway - it’s really just quite funny and very painfully ‘Edinburgh-ish’.
Aside from that I’ve been in a variety of places lately, including (but not limited to) Princes Street Gardens, tennis courts, Musselburgh and a vista-laden trip up the west coast for work. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to do it.
There may not be a huge amount of food in here this time round, but hopefully you’ve enjoyed it none-the-less. I do currently have a fairly large recipe backlog, so with any luck the next few weeks will see a bit more activity round here. In the mean time, have a great June and see you all soon!