For some reason the fact that February is 2 or 3 days shorter than the other months of the year really makes a huge difference. It shouldn’t, I know, but it certainly feels like it does. Either way, the month has now passed and it is time to recap what became a very busy month, via my little obsession with Instagram.

There hasn’t been a whole lot of posts in February. That’s not to say that I haven’t been in the kitchen - in fact, it is quite the opposite - there just has not been time to sit down, sort through the photos and write the posts. After many hours spent running around, going hoarse over the Six Nations, getting far too into the Winter Olympics (Curling and snowboard cross are my favourites, and I have ski-fever worse than ever), somehow finding time to watch the second season of House of Cards in under a week (it is incredible), giving the blog a new look, and making a few visits around the country the month is over. Oh, and by the time this goes live, I will be in America (yes, again).

My favourite dish this month is quite a tricky one, because there quite a few contenders that I just haven’t written up. My peppered game kebabs would probably have taken the title, but in their absence it is going to have to be the gooey, chocolatey delights of my chocolate melting pots. A simple, yet utterly scrumptious treat, they are a worthy holder of this month’s title.

Chocolate Melting Pot

One of the many exciting treats of February came in the unintentional purchase of a new cookbook. Shockingly enough for a food blogger, I absolutely love good cookbook, so when I saw Sunshine on a Plate by Shalina Permalloo staring at me from a shelf in the supermarket I decided to treat myself. I was a big fan of hers during Masterchef a couple of years ago and the book’s every bit as good. I made the chilli and lime pork the other night, I wouldn’t have liked to have fed four from it (two of us ate virtually all of it), but it was absolutely delicious.


OK, so my flight’s (hopefully) left now, and I’m somewhere Stateside now. Have a good start to March and I’ll bore you with my photos and food-laden tales when I get back mid March.

Craig Craig (209 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.