OK guys, let’s start talking properly about summer. There’s a bank holiday on the horizon and I want to bring you a little cheat. These limoncello ice lollies are an absolute treat for any adult who wants a little trip down memory lane (with the added joy of a little booze) and best of all they literally have TWO ingredients in them.

I don’t know about you, but ice lollies were a regular feature in summers gone by for me. Being told not to run around the garden whilst I ate one, some melted red liquid slowly dripping down my chin - basically a treat that probably ruined clothes faster than grass stains and sun tan cream.

Fast forward to now and I think it’s time we all got some ice lolly action back in our lives - I had a Fab recently; who knew they still made those! - so here’s my way of getting it in your life, with limoncello to make us all feel a little more sophisticated.

Whatever you call the idea of two ingredient ice lollies - the word ‘recipe’ doesn’t feel quite right - these limoncello ice lollies take approximately 30 seconds to make (excluding making the limoncello and freezing time) and absolutely hit the spot. They’ll bring back many happy memories of bank holidays sat in traffic jams, wet and windy beaches and the occasional holiday when the sun actually shone. Only this time - as my friends and I discovered when we tried the, - these ice lollies could make you quite merry. Clearly everyone’s a winner.


2 ingredient limoncello ice lollies

  • Author: Craig
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes + Overnight
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 4 Lollies 1x


This is an original recipe from The Usual Saucepans. The quantities below will make about six ice lollies in the cheap, plastic moulds that I found. If you wanted to make them more exciting you could add twists of lemon peel; you can also substitute almost any alcohol and fruit mix in – Pimm’s is the next one I want to try.



250 ml limoncello
250 ml tonic water


Pour the two liquids into a jug and stir until mixed. Decant into the ice lolly moulds and put in the freezer.

Once frozen, take them out and enjoy in the sun.

(Told you it was a complete cop-out of a recipe, didn’t I?)

  • Category: Sweet treats