Instagrammers Anonymous: Changeable With a Hint of Gale Force
I don’t want to start another month by saying how quickly the last one went - but it really has. March was a bit of a whirlwind of flat hunting and packing, and April has been flown by with unpacking and rediscovering my love of MarioKart. OK, it’s mainly been MarioKart. I’d be lying though if I didn’t say that there’d been quite a lot of food as well. And Instagram; there’s always Instagram.
Work has taken over a lot this month resulting in many hastily thrown together dishes, many of which - the couscous concoctions especially - have had no place in front of a camera lens. This has left me quite short on things to write about. There have been the occasional flashes of culinary delight though, so I wouldn’t get the miniature violins out quite yet. That said, it was pretty easy to pick out the recipe of the month. I was rooting through my copy of Nigel Slater’s Kitchen Diaries and came across this one for pork and chilli burgers with lime and coriander, I think it has been one of my favourite adaptations for quite some time, and a quick chat with Kat the other day has brought several variations that I’m itching to get on a BBQ. If the wind ever calms down and the sun comes out, that is.
Yup, it’s been another exemplary month in just what the disenchanting British weather can throw at us. If gale force winds aren’t your thing you would not have enjoyed Edinburgh recently; similarly with hailstones, for that matter. It appears that the weather is yet to get the fact that it’s edging towards the summer. I got the message though, and in a brief respite from the howling winds when the sun shone through I got round to attempting a pavlova. So it didn’t go quite according to plan and I ended up with a raspberry Eton Mess, but that’s just one of those things, isn’t it?
Last - but certainly not least - I think we have to look at the amazing present I was bought last week. In the guise of a ‘very belated birthday present’ a couple of my friends presented me with a new whisk. Granted this doesn’t sound like something to share with you, but this isn’t any old whisk - oh no! This is Kitchen Kong. A whisk with a gorilla in the middle. Judge all you like, I think it’s hilarious.
April may have blown us head long into, well, May (shockingly enough), but it’s time to hit the ground running again. I’ve a few cunning plans up my sleeve for this month and hopefully the weather will improve and I won’t have to resort back to my grown up beans and sausages again, as I did last night.
Luck tends to favour the prepared, people; so grab those picnic rugs and Pimm’s jugs, spring might soon be coming.
If you liked Instagrammers Anonymous, why not check out the other posts and recipes on The Usual Saucepans’ Facebook page?