Having totally missed Instagrammers Anonymous last month (it was about the 8th before I realised it hadn’t ever been written) I decided to give it a break for a month. This break then extended and covered the whole blog, with only a couple of required things being done or partial posts being completed. Why? Well plain and simple I’ve been in a bit of a kitchen funk. Or perhaps just a funk in general.

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After August’s whirlwind of festival fun life took a very serious turn with the lease on my flat drawing to an end and - in case you missed it - a very close, heated and at times unbearable independence referendum. Those on Twitter will know I have fairly strong feelings on the matter (and was very pleased by the outcome) but something that split a nation so fractiously - and at times threateningly - is not particularly healthy for anyone. I think anyone living here (and further afield) who was keeping a close watch on the goings on will understand that a lot of worrying was going on - especially in Edinburgh. Enough politics though, the 19th of September may have felt somewhat anti-climactic after a two year campaign, but it should be a united onwards and upwards for all involved. Indeed I know what my next passport will look like, I have a new flat (although long story, I don’t move in for a few weeks more) and the sun is shining. Autumn is starting and I’m feeling that change is in the air - I think my funk is over. I’m itching to be in the kitchen.

So what about food in the last couple of months then? What about my (ever-continuing) unhealthy relationship with Instagram? Let’s take a look:

Food played a sizeable part as always with some delicious morsels being consumed. My favourite of which - and one which I hope to have on the blog soon - is a delicious brunch I made on the one weekend I decided to hide from the world for a bit of me time. They’re pancakes. But pancakes made with oats, banana and chocolate. Drowned in maple syrup and accompanied by milk and coffee. I couldn’t finish them, but they were delicious!

Banana Pancakes

In a freezer disaster-turned-delight and inspired by the Great British Bake Off I also made a game pie, using hot water crust pastry for the first time. It was pretty delicious (if I do say so myself) and over here if you want a better look.

Game Pie

Beyond this Instagram has been full of taking photos of Edinburgh in the sunshine and me moaning about packing - hopefully that’s more interesting than it sounds.

Now October’s here it’s time for much more baking, stews, pies and crumbles. I’m going to start hoarding cinnamon and make some pretty solid inroads on getting back in the kitchen. Have a great month and please get in touch through Twitter or Facebook, I’d love to hear from you. Now please excuse me, I’m off to get an over-priced, but addictively delicious Pumpkin Spiced Latte.

Craig Craig (207 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.