Instagrammers Anonymous: June's Adventures

Instagrammers Anonymous: June’s Adventures

One minute it’s here, the next it’s July. Fickle is the month of June, deceptively short, but the bringer of excitement. Heralding the arrival of summer. With a good bout of torrential rain.

If you hadn’t already guessed, another month has slipped by The Usual Saucepans and it’s time to round up the last four week’s shenanigans via my addiction to all things Instagram – it’s time for June’s edition of Instagrammers Anonymous.

Once again I’m happy to say that I’m struggling to select my dish of the month – I’ve enjoyed virtually everything I’ve made this month and would encourage you to try them all. Whilst I am very tempted to give the title to my cherries and goats cheese, there can only be one winner, and World Gin Day gave it to us. Yup, it’s a heart over head decision and my heart is voting gin. Just voting gin in general, really, but for the purposes of this post, this can take the form of the Fog Horn Loaflettes that I made for WGD. Everyone’s a winner when gin and cake are involved.

Fog Horn Loaflette

Pesto was also something that I finally got around to making this month. An ingredient I pretty much take for granted these days, my general disdain for nuts kept me from making this magical Italian stalwart, but discovering a nutless version spurred me into action – who else out there has never tried it? You’ll be amazed at how much fresher a home made version will taste.

Basil and Spinach Pesto

As I type this (on Sunday evening) I’m hurtling through the countryside on the train back up from a long weekend in London (hence the train ticket header), so it’s only fair I feel that I offer up a morsel from my weekend of culinary adventures. The purpose of the trip – a day at Wimbledon – may not have actually happened (long and mournful story), but I managed to get into plenty of trouble elsewhere instead. There’ll be a whole post about it later in the week, but for now here’s a little snapshot of Borough Market, in Southwark.

I’ve no doubt that it’ll be August very soon – and then the Festival spirit will have descended upon Edinburgh – but, my friends, enjoy July before it slips through your fingers!

Craig Craig (91 Posts)

Edinburgh-dwelling, baking and food-obsessed, twenty-something adventure enthusiast. Runs on liberal amounts of coffee, cheese, cake and gin; bribable with same.