Oh the showers, ain’t April great? A month it which it can be misty, pouring with rain and gloriously sunny virtually simultaneously. Actually, I guess that could describe every month in Edinburgh. Anyway, before I properly digress, let’s have a little look at the goings on of those 30 days via the joy that is Instagram.
First up we’re taking a stop by one of my favourite recipes from this month - the alleged ‘salad’. It was a close run thing for recipe of the month, with my chocolate-chilli-boozy-mousse-egg coming in a close second, but I think this combo of avocado and bacon wins. Still not sure what part of it constitutes the ‘salad’ part, but life is always full of little mysteries, isn’t it?
Second up, we have a new adventure - my mum bought me a plant the last time she was at the garden centre (replenishing her own set of fresh herb plants). Now, I’m not exactly green-fingered, but I’m prepared to make the effort when it comes to things you can eat. Let’s see how long this chocolate mint plant lasts on my windowsill.
Finally, I haven’t quite gotten around to writing the post about this yet, but I got given a cheese making kit for my birthday, and recently tried out the recipe for ricotta. It went surprisingly swimmingly for a first attempt, and I ate many, many cheese-laden oatcakes in the days which followed.
That’s about it for this month, for more utterly pointless filter-laden photos why not follow me on Instagram?